Suomen Semiotiikan Seura julkaisee Acta Semiotica Fennica -julkaisusarjaa (ISSN 1235-497X), jossa on tähän mennessä ilmestynyt 56 nidettä.
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  • uusin nide on ASF LVI, Eero Tarasti: Elämys ja analyysi; 2019. 30 €



Seuraavat niteet ovat ilmestyneet:


1: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): Center and periphery in representations and institutions : proceedings from the ISI conference in Imatra, July 16-21, 1990; 1992


2: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): On the borderlines of semiosis : proceedings from the ISI conferences 1991 and 1992 in Imatra; 1993


3: Hannele Koivunen: The woman who understood completely : a semiotic analysis of the Mary Magdalene myth in the Gnostic Gospel of Mary; 1994

4: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): Musical semiotics in growth; 1996

5: José-Luiz Martinez: Semiosis in Hindustani music; 1997


6: Luca Marconi; Gino Stefani; Eero Tarasti (eds): Musical signification, between rhetoric and pragmatics : La significazione musicale, tra retorica e pragmatica; 1998


7: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): Snow, forest, silence : the Finnish tradition of semiotics; 1999


8: Eero Tarasti, toim.: Ymmärtämisen merkit : samuuden ja toiseuden ikoneja suomalaisessa kulttuurissa; 2000


9: Kristian Bankov: Intellectual effort and linguistic work : semiotic and hermeneutic aspects of the philosophy of Bergson; 2000


10: Harri Veivo: The written space : semiotic analysis of the representation of space and its rhetorical functions in literature; 2001


11: Luiz Fernando Nascimento de Lima: Live samba : analysis and interpretation of Brazilian pagode; 2001 [AMS 1]


12: Richard Littlefield: Frames and framing : the margins of music analysis; 2001 [AMS 2]


13: Dario Martinelli: How musical is a whale? : towards a theory of zoömusicology; 2002 [AMS 3]


14: Mikko Kuusimäki: Robinson et le tarot : étude sur la signification de Vendredi ou les limbes du Pacifique de Michel Tournier; 2002


15: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): Musical semiotics revisited; 2003 [AMS 4]


16: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): Understanding/misunderstanding : contributions to the study of the hermeneutics of signs; 2003


17: Drina Hočevar: Movement and poetic rhythm : uncovering the musical signification of poetic discourse via the temporal dimension of the sign; 2003 [AMS 5]


18: Fulvio Delli Pizzi; Michele Ignelzi; Paolo Rosato: Systems of musical sense : essays on the analysis, semiotics, and hermeneutics of music; 2004 [AMS 6]


19: Kai Lassfolk: Music notation as objects : an object-oriented analysis of the common Western music notation system; 2004 [AMS 7] [e-kirja]


20: Paul Forsell; Maarit Härkönen; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): From nature to psyche : proceedings from the ISI Summer Congresses at Imatra in 2001-2002; 2004


21: Satoru Kambe: Jean Sibelius’s Kullervo and Lemminkäinen : form, image and musical narrative; 2005 [AMS 8]


22: Susanna Välimäki: Subject strategies in music : a psychoanalytic approach to musical signification; 2005 [AMS 9]


23: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): Music and the arts : proceedings from ICMS 7; 2006 [AMS 10]


24: Stefania Guerra Lisi, Gino Stefani: Prenatal styles in the arts and the life; 2006

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25: Richard Littlefield; David Neumeyer; Erkki Pekkilä (eds): Music, meaning and media; 2001 [AMS 11]


26: Dario Martinelli: Zoosemiotics : proposals for a handbook; 2007


27: Merja Bauters: Changes in beer labels and their meaning : a holistic approach to semiosic process; 2007 [e-kirja]


28: Ritva Hartama-Heinonen: Abductive translation studies : the art of marshalling signs; 2008


29: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): Global signs : proceedings from the ISI Summer Congresses at Imatra in 2003-2006; 2008


30: Robert S. Hatten; Pirjo Kukkonen; Richard Littlefield; Harri Veivo; Irma Vierimaa (eds): A sounding of signs : modalities and moments in music, culture, and philosophy : essays in honor of Eero Tarasti on his 60th anniversary; 2008


31: Pirjo Kukkonen: Det sjungande jaget : att översätta känslan och själen : den lyriska samlingen Kanteletar i svenska tolkningar 1830-1989; 2009


32: Dario Martinelli, ed.: Music senses body : proceedings from the 9th International Congress on Musical Signification, Roma, 19-23/09/2006; 2008


33: Juha Ojala: Space in musical semiosis : an abductive theory of the musical composition process; 2009 [AMS 12]

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34: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): Communication : understanding/misunderstanding : proceedings of the 9th Congress of the IASS/AIS, Helsinki – Imatra, 11-17 June, 2007; 2009


35: Ritva Hartama-Heinonen; Irma Sorvali; Eero Tarasti; Eila Tarasti (toim.): Kielen ja kulttuurin saloja : in honorem Pirjo Kukkonen 5.9.2009; 2009


36: Maciej Jabłoński: Music as sign; 2010


37: Lina Navickaitė-Martinelli (ed.): Before and after music : proceedings from the 10th International Congress of the International Project on Musical Signification : Vilnius, 21-25 October 2008; 2010


38: Dario Martinelli: Authenticity, performance and other double-edged words : essays in [i.e. on] popular music; 2010


39: Gabriel Pareyon: On musical self-similarity : intersemiosis as synecdoche and analogy; 2011 [AMS 13]


40: Ramūnas Motiekaitis: Poetics of the nameless middle : Japan and the West in philosophy and music of the twentieth century; 2011 [AMS 14]


41: Tiina Vainiomäki: The musical realism of Leoš Janáček : from speech melodies to a theory of composition; 2012 [AMS 15]


42: Paolo Rosato: The organic principle in music analysis : a semiotic approach; 2013 [AMS 16]


43: Dario Martinelli; Eero Tarasti; Juha Torvinen (eds): Philosophies of performance; 2014 [AMS 17]


44: Pirjo Kukkonen: I språkets vida rum : Salens språk – språkets sal : Volter Kilpis modernistiska prosaepos Alastalon salissa i Thomas Warburtons svenska översättning I salen på Alastalo; 2014


45: Lina Navickaitė-Martinelli: Piano performance in a semiotic key : society, musical canon and novel discourses; 2014 [AMS 18]


46: Sari Helkala-Koivisto: Musiikki ja autismi : prosodinen merkki eksistentiaalisemiotiikassa; 2015 [AMS 19] [e-kirja]


47: Július Fujak: Various Comprovisations; 2015 [AMS 20] http://music%20tracks%20+%20PDF%20book%20in%20CDextra


48: Maritza Núñez: Ópera y Poesía : libretos. Tomo I.; 2016 [AMS 21]


49: Julia Shpinitskaya: A theory of multicultural texts : the music of Erik Bergman as a phenomenon of multicultural Europe; 2016 [AMS 22] [e-kirja]


50: Elina Viljanen: The problem of the modern and tradition : early Soviet musical culture and the musicological theory of Boris Asafiev (1884–1949); 2017 [AMS 23]. 35 €


51: Maritza NúñezÓpera y Poesía : libretos. Tomo II.; 2017 [AMS 24]


52: Eila Tarasti: ”Nouse, ole kirkas” : Helvi Leiviskän elämä ja teokset; 2017 [AMS 25]. 50 €


53. Takemi Sosa: Magnus Lindberg — Musical Gesture and Dramaturgy in Aura and the Symphonic Triptych; 2017 [AMS 25]

54. Katriina Kajannes, toim.: Muisti ja uni kirjallisuudessa; 2018


55.  Maritza NúñezÓpera y Poesía : libretos. Tomo III.; 2019 [AMS 25]

Approaches to Musical Semiotics, ISSN 1458-4921 on ASF-sarjan alasarja. Seuraavat niteet ovat ilmestyneet:

1: Luiz Fernando Nascimento de Lima: Live samba : analysis and interpretation of Brazilian pagode; 2001 [Acta Semiotica Fennica XI]

2: Richard Littlefield: Frames and framing : the margins of music analysis; 2001 [ASF XII]

3: Dario Martinelli: How musical is a whale? : towards a theory of zoömusicology; 2002 [ASF XIII]

4: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): Musical Semiotics Revisited; 2003 [ASF XV]

5: Drina Hočevar: Movement and poetic rhythm : uncovering the musical signification of poetic discourse via the temporal dimension of the sign; 2003 [ASF XVII]

6: Fulvio Delli Pizzi; Michele Ignelzi; Paolo Rosato: Systems of musical sense : essays on the analysis, semiotics, and hermeneutics of music; 2004 [ASF XVIII]

7: Kai Lassfolk: Music notation as objects : an object-oriented analysis of the common Western music notation system; 2004 [ASF XIX]

8: Satoru Kambe: Jean Sibelius’s Kullervo and Lemminkäinen : form, image and musical narrative; 2005 [ASF XXI]

9: Susanna Välimäki: Subject strategies in music : a psychoanalytic approach to musical signification; 2005 [ASF XXII ]

10: Paul Forsell; Richard Littlefield; Eero Tarasti (eds): Music and the arts : proceedings from ICMS 7; 2006 [ASF XXIII]

11: Richard Littlefield; David Neumeyer; Erkki Pekkilä (eds): Music, meaning and media; 2001 [ASF XXV ]

12: Juha Ojala: Space in musical semiosis : an abductive theory of the musical composition process; 2009 [ASF XXXIII ]

13: Gabriel Pareyon: On musical self-similarity : intersemiosis as synecdoche and analogy; 2011 [ASF XXXIX]

14: Ramūnas Motiekaitis: Poetics of the nameless middle : Japan and the West in philosophy and music of the twentieth century; 2011 [ASF XL]

15: Tiina Vainiomäki: The musical realism of Leoš Janáček : from speech melodies to a theory of composition; 2012 [ASF XLI]

16: Paolo Rosato: The organic principle in music analysis : a semiotic approach; 2013 [ASF XLII]

17: Dario Martinelli; Eero Tarasti; Juha Torvinen (eds): Philosophies of performance; 2014 [ASF XLIII]

18: Lina Navickaitė-Martinelli: Piano performance in a semiotic key : society, musical canon and novel discourses; 2014 [ASF XLV]

19: Sari Helkala-Koivisto: Musiikki ja autismi : prosodinen merkki eksistentiaalisemiotiikassa; 2015 [ASF XLVI]

20: Július Fujak: Various Comprovisations; 2015 http://music%20tracks%20+%20PDF%20book%20in%20CDextra [ASF XLVII]

21: Maritza Núñez: Ópera y Poesía : libretos. Tomo I.; 2016 [ASF XLVIII]

22: Julia Shpinitskaya: A theory of multicultural texts : the music of Erik Bergman as a phenomenon of multicultural Europe; 2016 [ASF XLIX]

23: Elina Viljanen: The problem of the modern and tradition : early Soviet musical culture and the musicological theory of Boris Asafiev (1884–1949); 2017 [ASF L]

24: Maritza NúñezÓpera y Poesía : libretos. Tomo II.; 2017 [ASF LI]

25: Eila Tarasti: ”Nouse, ole kirkas” : Helvi Leiviskän elämä ja teokset; 2017 [ASF LII]

Lisäksi Suomen Semiotiikan Seura on yhteistyössä xxx kanssa julkaissut seuraavat julkaisut:

  • Vastarinta / Resistanssi. Konfliktit, vastustus ja sota semiotiikan tutkimuskohteina. Toim. Harri Veivo. Yliopistopaino Kustannus, 2006.


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